Baptism is a wonderful picture of the new creation we have become through Jesus Christ. We can find examples of baptism recorded in the scriptures in Matthew 3:1-6 when John the Baptist; known of course for his baptizing in the Jordan River, baptized all those who confessed and repented of their sins.
Later, Jesus also came to John to be Baptized Matthew 3:13-16 after which God the Father made known that Jesus was indeed His beloved Son in whom He was “well pleased”. Later still, after Jesus was raised from the dead and before He ascended to Heaven, He left the disciples with the command to “Go into all the world and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Ghost..” (Mtt. 28:19-20).
Go into all the world and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
During the ministry of the early church we see them further carrying out this command. Here are just a few other references of individuals becoming baptized after receiving the Good News concerning Jesus Christ:
Act 2:36-38 Act 8:35-39 Acts 16:14-15
We at Mt. Zion believe according to the scriptures that baptism is not only a beautiful picture of our newness in Christ, but it is also a command by our Savior that we see the early church continuing in the tradition of all throughout their ministry efforts.
Baptism at Mt. Zion occurs every 3rd Sunday, during the morning service. Our caring and very supportive deacon staff will help prepare you and answer any questions you may have.
Do you have further questions about Baptism and would like to speak with someone about it? Please feel free to contact our church office (570-824-0146) Monday through Friday from 9am-1pm or submit a baptism/church membership form from the Forms Menu at the top of this page. It would be our honor and privilege to answer your questions and to enable you, if you are a disciple of Christ, to obey our Lord’s command to be baptized.